Join me as I chat with published and in-progress memoirists, storytellers and healers about memoir writing, healing, embodiment, somatics and story.
Talking about the things that shape us – our life stories, our bodies, our healing and marvelous stories – these are conversations that matter – personal, transformative and honest.
I believe that conversations of depth are good medicine.
They’re the antidote to feeling alone with personal challenges that are more appropriately situated in cultural, societal and historical contexts.
I believe these conversations can be catalysts for learning, growth and connection.
Our conversation was a uniquely grounding gift to me, and it’s come back to me with a lot of tenderness in the months since we spoke.Thank you for your beautiful questions and for holding space for everything that tumbled out of our exchange.You’re offering something really singular and life-giving.
Explore all podcast episodes here:
144: MEMOIRIST: Celia McBride on her un-becoming journey
143: HEALING: Victoria Albina on somatics, nerditry and healing
142: WRITING PROMPT: sourcing from your nipples
141: STORY: The brewery of eggshells
140: CNF WRITING: Nicole Breit Nicole Breit on writing grief (and joy, and delight and…)
139: WRITING PROMPT: sourcing from your hands
138: STORY: The Juniper Tree
137: WRITING: Michelle Boyd of Inkwell Writing Retreats on academia, scholarship, writing, procrastination and entrepreneurship
136: WRITING PROMPT: sourcing from your eyes
135: STORY: Beauty and the Beast
134: STORIES & FOLKLORE: Sara & Brittany of Carterhaugh School on The Six Swans, being delighted, friendship and forging your own path
133: WRITING PROMPT: sourcing from your brain teeth
132: STORY: Little Red Riding Hood
131: MEMOIRIST: Molly Pennington on writing a memoir, being a professional writer, and mid-life career changes (astrology!)
130: WRITING PROMPT: sourcing from your hair
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