Not Sweet!
A free 5-day writing ecourse for salty, sassy, seriously tasty women.
Explore, unlock and tap into the parts of you that aren’t sweet and pretty, but are raw, honest and powerful.
This has been beautiful (in the biggest and fullest sense of the word – like the sky, not like a cut flower) and I love the tone you’ve created and the ideas you’ve awoken.
Staying sweet? No. Not for me.
But savoury? With some salt, a dash of bitters, and some slightly sour flavours? Yes.
For women who are wholly human, wholly here, and full of flavour.
Five days to sink into all of the ways in which we are everything BUT supersweet. We use the five flavours from our sense of taste as inspiration.
via 5 daily e-mail prompts to stir your spirit into creative self-expression through words and reflection. Each e-mail includes a story, poetic facts about each flavour, and creative writing prompts.
Once you sign up.
Cost? FREE!
Just sign up for my twice monthly newsletter below.
Oooo this is fun Janelle – thank you – feels so tantalizing to have a platform to spit out awareness.