Why trying is better than perfect

Why trying is better than perfect

A year and a half ago I moved my daughter and I to a small town in the Okanagan Valley on Syilx First Nations land, about a 4.5 hour drive from Vancouver. The 5 years previous to that we lived in a small town on Vancouver Island, also a 4.5 hour journey to Vancouver....
Divine Dissatisfaction

Divine Dissatisfaction

Rain, in sheets, straight down, no wind. A deluge, but silent and soft. Then turning into a shimmering drizzle, descending so slowly it almost seemed suspended. Moments of sweet, hot sun so bright I put my sunglasses on, except when the clouds moved in front, and the...
The Wolfmother Raises her Hackles

The Wolfmother Raises her Hackles

In the middle of a heat wave, with my nephew visiting, I’ve been loving all the giddiness of my 11 year old daughter and her 12 year old cousin, and the sheer delight they get out of each other’s company. Swimming, splashing, hunting for crayfish,...
Whoomp, whoomp, whoomp – into the surrender

Whoomp, whoomp, whoomp – into the surrender

It was a dusky moment. The skies were dimming down, bright blues shuttered to a grayer darker hue. Details less crisp. I closed my eyes. The sounds were intriguing. Soft whoomp whoomps. There was a rhythm that was slightly arrythmical, as if each time the rhythm found...
The wind beneath my wings: skimmers and support

The wind beneath my wings: skimmers and support

The other evening I snuggled in for a movie night with my friend and my daughter. This felt more special than usual because my friend was going out of town for work the next day. Finding it hard to pick a show that worked for the three of us, we lit up when we came...