Today I’m chatting with Lynnda Pollio, an author and intuitive and cultural empath in New York City.

Lynnda has been on an extraordinary life path, passing through both great light and a dark night of the soul. Born in New Jersey, she grew up surrounded by trees. She communicated to insects, raised baby birds and wandered through a childhood feeling like she belonged somewhere else. As an adult, she moved to New York City, where she still lives.

After her father died, she heard a voice tell me to go to Sedona, AZ, and that began a journey into spiritual awakening. She immersed myself in raw foods, spiritual disciplines, healing modalities, energy work and levels of awareness.

She’s always been deeply committed to elevating human consciousness, which has led to being an accomplished advertising executive, as a consultant and thought leader in conscious business practices, and as the world’s first Chief Consciousness Officer, supporting Fortune 500 companies by helping them engage the human technologies of wisdom, intuition, compassion, empathy, forgiveness and gratitude.

Currently, as an Intuitive and Cultural Empath, she guides people and businesses through our current global transformation. She supports anyone going through profound change believes answers are always found in the heart.

Although she never expected to be a writer, one day she heard the mystical voice of Addie Mae Aubrey, a Southern African-American woman asking me to tell her story. That story became her debut visionary novel, Trusting the Currents. It has won twelve literary awards and garners beautiful reviews on Amazon.

Enjoy our ramble through the story of Alice In Wonderland as well as Lynnda’s relationship with her body and creativity.

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Things we chatted about in this episode:

  • Alice in Wonderland
  • how resonant the Hero’s Journey is
  • how everyone starts out pretty regular, then they ‘go down the rabbit hole’ and in the place of the unknown
  • how spiritual guidance shows up in unexpected forms (the Cheshire Cat)
  • At the end Alice is no longer the same, and brings back to her world all of the info, wisdom and experience from her adventure
  • how writing her book as a channel was her own experience of going down the rabbit hole
  • relationship with creativity
  • on never having been a writer, but being a channel, a conduit for spirit – writing her novel as it was shared by Addie Mae, an old Black Southern woman whose voice she started hearing one day
  • learning to open up to receiving knowledge and information and then being willing to act in the moment, not delay it
  • how she could feel Addie Mae’s presence, and how the process of writing her story changed her life
  • it took two years and a move to Sedona to write the book
  • after putting the book away for a year, Addie Mae told her it was time, and it took a full 10 years to get the book out
  • on deciding to self-publish
  • Addie Mae, the narrator, has been the most influential person in her life
  • on feeling like she was put on the planet to bring this book out – this experience has been a defining experience
  • tried to give up and not listen to Addie Mae’s voice – always felt an intense drum-beat of a pull to return
  • on being in an altered state from the experience – how many synchronicities happened
  • the symbolism of dragonflies
  • writing as a clairsentient process – feeling very deeply what she’s going to write – writing ideas then coming up with languaging to reflect what she’s feeling
  • as you read Addie Mae’s story she brings you into your own story – she’s giving you the solutions and the answers to some of the questions YOU have by telling you about how she resolved hers
  • experiencing the dark night of the soul
  • how we think the dark night is shrinking us, but in actual fact it’s expanding us
  • on being creative with space, and beauty and designing – having that creative eye
  • relationship with body
  • On loving being in a female body
  • on having the Italian nose and not changing it
  • her body being a part of her identity
  • on being always considered attractive, being tall, modeling, being considered attractive – and having fun playing with that
  • on being older and less attached to youth and beauty – turning 60 is the strangest adventure yet
  • on the need to allow younger women to have their time, not trying to compete with them
  • the liberating experiencing of getting older and caring less
  • on loving the feeling of menstruating – the rumbling, the pain, the creative power
  • feeling a sense of loss of her menstrual cycle
  • aging is not an option – learning to allow the youthful parts of our body go and making health the most vital asset instead
  • no longer needing to be beautiful, to be the one walking into a room being looked at my all the men
  • on being your parents’ caregiver