The Art of Personal Mythmaking: a transformational memoir-writing course for curious and creative people

During our journey together we create an unwaveringly solid and powerful foundation of self-knowledge.
We nurture an awestruck, fluid and loving connection to our bodies.
We open a wellspring of creativity so meltingly passionate that by the end of the five months you’ll feel renewed, powerful and completely and wholly your own.
You’ll finish with enough material for the first draft of your memoir. Already written. With ease.
You can sign up for the Art of Personal Mythmaking anytime as a self-directed process (with online community and live monthly coaching calls) anytime.
Or you can take it live, once a year, in a weekly class format. We start at the end of January.
Outline Your Memoir: a free 2 hour workshop

Sometimes it feels daunting to write your lifestory down.
So let’s start sorting through and organizing all the details you need to structure your memoir inside this on-demand video workshop.
I’ll talk you through how to look at your vast, storied and varied lives and get started with writing it all down.
Start writing and healing with these free memoir-writing PDFs
10 Impactful Memoir-Writing Prompts for Healing and Transformation.

Start writing down your lifestories using richly generative writing prompts with this free PDF.
10 Gentle Yet Effective Ways to Heal Painful Memories Using Writing & Your Body.

Calm and settle your nervous system with gentle easy-to-implement guidance and writing tips so you can stop feeling overwhelmed by the more difficult parts of your lifestory.
Start writing down your lifestories with this free PDF.
2 self-directed courses for your grief and your anger
Riding the Waves, Honouring Your Grief.
A self-directed 5-module ecourse to support your grieving. Click here to learn more.
From Anger to Action, Honouring Your Rage.
A self-directed 10-module ecourse to support you in your anger-work. Click here to learn more.
In-person retreats
Transformational and Immersive Writing Retreats
A full week to sink into your creative process, in gorgeous, regenerative and luxurious surroundings. Amongst peers and kindred spirits. Click here to learn more.
Subscribe to my Memoir Body, Healing Story Newsletter for weekly-ish tales and guidance